Dry Eye Partners is a PECAA Max program that brings together education, products, marketing, and services to one centralized site for those members ready to add dry eye disease management to their practice but unsure where to start.
Got Questions?Through a strategic relationship with ScienceBased Health, Bruder Healthcare, Dry Eye Support Consultants and our own PECAA KDISK team, PECAA Dry Eye Partners will continually evolve to bring the tools to our members in a convenient online format.
Dry eye disease is among the world’s most prevalent incurable eye diseases. More women than men have Dry eye disease, and its incidence increases with age.
In fact, one in every eight adults, or 33 million Americans, have some form of Dry eye disease.
Dry eye is a disease, is not a condition or simple inconvenience. This is a complex, multifactorial, progressive, and chronic disease that has historically gone underdiagnosed and untreated.
Dry Eye Partners seeks to change this by supporting PECAA Max members on creating a new expertise within your practice around all aspects of Dry eye disease.